Amargosa Amateur
Radio Club

Field Day 2009

June 27th & 28th

Amargosa Valley Park

307 Contacts/1A/battery power
Blacky supervises construction of the mast
Home Depot's entire EMT supply went into the making of the mast
The ladder IS the thing holding it all up!
This was CAREFULLY engineered.
Our secret weapon: The antenna system!
Our other secret weapon:  The station!
The Operators
The Peanut Gallery
Our A/C system.
It was somewhere north of 110 degrees
Well, SOMEONE has to keep the swamp cooler filled.  We had LOTS of water!
Our power source.
We found these down at the dump.
OK.  THIS is the real power source.
We've harnessed cold fusion in the coffee pot.  SHHH!  Don't tell.
Dinner time
A swarm of locusts has gotten nearly everything.
Web page by amargosa_andy      6/30/09